Aero Partner


what3words is the simplest way to talk about location. It has divided the world into 3m x 3m squares, each with a unique 3 word address. Now people can refer to any precise location – a delivery entrance, a picnic spot or a drone landing point – using just three simple words.

what3words is used by businesses and governments to operate more efficiently, and by individuals to find and share locations. Over 650 businesses, government organizations and NGOs in over 170 countries are using 3 word addresses.

For ecommerce retailers, postcodes and street addresses often don’t lead couriers to the right place. If you live in an apartment block with multiple entrances or in the countryside, where postcodes cover large areas, you’ve probably had difficulties receiving deliveries to your address. That’s where what3words comes in. Every 3 meter square has been given a unique combination of three words, so couriers always know exactly where to deliver.

It means you can confidently send your deliveries hassle-free and without giving drivers extra instructions. Customers just need to provide a what3words address at checkout to make sure your order arrives exactly where you need it.

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Aero Commerce’s solution is fast and lean, no matter the size of your catalog or the volume of traffic your site receives.

Book a demo today and we’ll talk you though the platform, it’s features and put you in touch with the right agency for the job when you’re ready to re-platform.

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